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2023-07-10 19:20:00 来源:乐拇指 分享到:



1、fat[英][fæt] [美][fæt] 生词本简明释义adj.肥的;胖的;油腻的;丰满的n.脂肪;肥肉;(食用的)动植物油;(人体摄入的动植物)脂肪vt.养肥;在…中加入脂肪vi.长肥复数:fats第三人称单数:fats过去式:fatted过去分词:fatted现在分词:fatting比较级:fatter最高级:fattest易混淆的单词:FatFAT以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 百科释义 短语词组 同反义词1.ADJ-GRADED(人或动物)肥胖的,肥的If you say that a person or animal is fat, you mean that they have a lot of flesh on their body and that they weigh too much. You usually use the word fat when you think that this is a bad thing. I could eat what I liked without getting fat...我怎么吃都不胖。

2、After five minutes, the fat woman in the seat in front of me was as。



x 广告

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